How to Make a Reusable Grocery Tote Bag

"Do you want paper or plastic?" the grocery store clerk asks customers. How about "Neither?"

Grocery shoppers can become environmentalists by packing food items and other supermarket purchases in reusable grocery tote bags.

Plastic grocery bags require petroleum for production. and they may be one of the worst landfill-fillers. The National Geographic Society estimates consumers use between 500 million and a trillion plastic grocery bags annually.

Brown-paper grocery bags are produced from wood pulp, of course. How many trees might be destroyed annually to produce basic grocery bags?

Use of either type of bag has significant environmental impact. Why not try something new to help the earth? This is precisely why many shoppers have begun toting their own bags to the grocery store.

Store-Bought Bags Abound
Most big-name stores offer canvas or other fabric tote bags for sale. Of course, ready-made bags can be pricey, and they usually sport manufacturers' or grocery stores' logos. As a consumer, how do you feel about paying for a store-bought grocery tote bag, simply to advertise a retailer? What if you shop at multiple grocery stores? Do you want to use a WalMart bag at Piggly-Wiggly? How about a Jewel Foods bag at Kroger's?

What's more, you can save real dollars by stitching up your own reusable grocery tote bags. It's sew simple. Just follow these easy, step-by-step instructions, and you will shop in environmentally friendly style in no time!

Finished size:

Approximately 16" x 18"
(with 18" handles)

Here's what you will need to construct your reusable grocery tote bag:

- 1/2 yard sturdy woven (See suggested fabrics, below.)
- 1/2 yard lining fabric
- 2 yards heavy webbing or belting (for handle)
- Ruler
- Chalk or pencil
- Sewing notions (pins, thread, etc.)
- Velcro tape (optional)

Here's how to create your reusable grocery tote bag:

First, lay out your fabrics. Unless you have chosen extremely thick materials, you will be able to cut out both layers (the outside and lining) at once.

Most woven fabrics are 44"/45" wide. Trim your fabrics to create 18" by 44" rectangles from both the outside and lining for your reusable grocery tote bag.

Place the two fabrics (right sides together). Fasten these together with straight pins, all the way around. Using a sewing machine, stitch all four sides, leaving a 4" wide opening on one of the long sides for turning.

Turn the reusable grocery tote bag project right side out, and press well with a steam iron. Use the highest possible setting allowed for the fabrics you have selected. Slip-stitch opening by hand.

With right sides together, machine-stitch the ends of your webbing or belting together. This will form a long, continuous loop for the handle of your reusable grocery tote bag. Press the seam flat.

Pin the handle onto the outside of your now-flat reusable grocery tote bag. Be sure to place the stitched portion of the handle in the center of the reusable grocery tote bag, so it will appear on the bottom, or base, of the bag, when completed. Position the handle loop, so that it will run in straight lines, about 3" from each long side. This will leave an arc at each end, measuring about 18", for the carrying handles. (See diagram for specifics.)

Top-stitch the webbing in place by machine-stitchingclose to each edge. Reinforce the stitching at each end (by the carrying handles).

Fold your reusable grocery tote bag project in half, with right sides together (Your bag will now be inside-out.) Pin and stitch side seams.

Open your bag (right side out), and press it neatly with a steam iron.

Turn reusable grocery tote bag inside-out again. In each lower corner, make a short diagonal seam, beginning on bottom edge (2" from corner) and ending on side edge (also 2" from corner). Press seams flat.

Open bag again, and press. Decorate with paints, rubber stamping, appliqués, pockets or other adornments, if desired.

Now you're ready to shop! Why not stitch up a few reusable grocery tote bags, and keep them in your car, so you have them ready when you need them?

Other uses for the reusable grocery tote bag:
The reusable grocery tote bag is a super satchel for packing swimsuits, sunscreen, water bottles and other items for a trip to the beach or pool. It's also a great tote for parks, stroller walks and preteen sleepovers.

Need an extra-special gift bag for Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day or a birthday? The reusable grocery tote bag offers a wonderful wrap for a gift, and recipients can use it afterwards for their own shopping trips. (For trick-or-treating, the reusable grocery tote bag is ideal as well.)

The reusable grocery tote is super for storing valuable items around the house, to keep them dust-free. Cover delicate holiday decorations. Pack up games with small pieces, like checkers or marbles. Wrap children's birthday or holiday gifts.

The reusable grocery tote bag makes an excellent take-home gift bag for children's birthday parties. Plain or solid-colored tote bags can be autographed with permanent markers, making them treasured possessions!

Suggested Fabrics:

You can construct your reusable grocery tote bag from nearly any sturdy woven (non-knit) fabric. Choose burlap, canvas, chintz, corduroy, denim, duck, muslin, poplin, suede, tapestry, twill, upholstery fabrics or other non-stretch textiles. Pick a matching, contrast or coordinating lining fabric.


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