Ideal Wedding Favors For Your Big Day

The tradition of having favors at your wedding dates back to European aristocrats. They gave their guests a small trinket box made of crystal or porcelain and sometimes adorned with precious stones. It was called a bonbonniere, while in Asia, some countries call it wedding door gift . Inside the box they put in sugar cubes or rich confections, which symbolized wealth and royalty. Sugar was scarce and it was a sign of wealth. The name bonbonniere still is used by many ethnic groups when talking about wedding favors. To those of Italian descent, it means Jordan Almonds enclosed in some sort of box, flowers or other container. Small Present as A Token of Appreciation Wedding favors are small presents given to wedding guests from the bride and groom as a thank you gift for joining in the wedding celebration.. Its a small gift for the guests to take home to keep as a remembrance. Wedding favors add that personal touch and ti...